“Simplicity is the essence of elegance” Sofia from Paris talks to LA VIE EN ROSE about fashion and journey to the city of light
When she was just 17 years old, she decided to take a big step that changed her life. She didn’t wait for things to happen to her, but she happened to things. That’s why she’s now living the life she wanted, in the city she dreamed of.
Since the Women’s and Haute Couture Week in the City of Light is upon us, below we bring you an inspiring interview with Sofia Vinnichuk, a fashion content creator on the social platform Instagram, who is a good example for modern ladies through her femininity and elegance.
1. LA VIE EN ROSE: Where did your wish to live and work in Paris originate from?
– Moving to Paris felt like stepping into a dream I didn’t even realize I had. Looking back, maybe the idea was always there, waiting for its moment. As a little girl growing in Ukraine, I had a poster of the Eiffel Tower on my wardrobe, it was my tiny window into a whole different world. At that time, Paris felt far away, almost unreal. I attended a French school for five years, which planted the seeds of my connection to France. When I was 17, I moved to France to study for my bachelor’s degree. It was during those three years that the pull toward Paris grew stronger. After finishing my degree, I got accepted to Sorbonne for my master’s, and suddenly, Paris wasn’t just a far-off dream: it became my reality. I moved to Paris in 2021, and the most inspiring chapter of my life began then, developing in ways I could have never imagined.

2. LA VIE EN ROSE: When did you enter the world of fashion?
– Fashion has always been part of my story. Even as a child, I loved watching fashion TV and flipping through magazines, imagining the world behind those glossy pages. I didn’t always have access to trendy clothes, but I loved observing people’s style, dreaming of the day I could discover my own. The wish to be connected to the fashion world was always with me. I started as a model in Ukraine, which gave me my first real overview about how the industry works. Later, I became a photographer, to explore the other side of the creative process. Both experiences taught me so much about how to see fashion from different perspectives. And finally, I became an influencer and content creator, where I could merge everything I’d learned: photography, posing, style, my vision, and share it to inspire others. My real journey into fashion started in 2021, when I began sharing my outfits and inspirations on Instagram. At first, it was just a way to document my love for style and to document my journey. But little by little, I realized how much it resonated with others. Seeing how my posts could inspire people made me take it seriously, and I committed myself fully to this journey. Being in Paris only amplified that passion. The city opened my eyes to a whole new world of elegance and creativity. Fashion became more than just clothes: it became my voice, a way to tell my story without words. It’s like I learned a new language, and now it’s one I speak fluently every day.
3. LA VIE EN ROSE: What experience do you remember the most from the fashion shows in Paris?
– The moment that will always stay with me is attending my first fashion show as a guest. I had already experienced fashion shows from other perspectives: as a runway model and behind the scenes as a production director, but sitting in the front row was something entirely different. It felt special, like I was seeing the heart of fashion from a completely new angle. That moment gave me a deeper appreciation for the effort, passion, and dreams behind every detail of a show, and behind the vision designers have for their collections. It felt so interesting to be fully immersed in the universe designers are creating around their ideas. This moment inspired me to continue my journey and reminded me why I fell in love with this world in the first place.

4. LA VIE EN ROSE: What is your favourite brand and why?
– I have a few favorites, but if I had to choose one, it would be YSL. For me, YSL represents the perfect blend of femininity and strength. Their designs make you feel bold and confident while staying elegant and timeless. For everyday wear, I love brands like Goelia or Sandro. Both brands have a sense of effortless elegance and timeless design that I connect with on a personal level. When I wear their pieces, I feel completely myself: refined yet comfortable, classic but never boring. They remind me that style isn’t about trends, it’s about expressing who you are and feeling your best in what you wear.
5. LA VIE EN ROSE: What do you think about today’s fashion and would you change anything?
– I admire how fashion today has become a platform for individuality. It’s less about following strict rules and more about expressing your perspective, which is incredibly inspiring. Everyone has the chance to define their own style, and I find it beautiful. However, we do need to talk more about conscious fashion. Every piece we buy leaves a footprint. I believe in slowing down, investing in quality over quantity, and thinking about the impact of our wardrobes.
6. LA VIE EN ROSE: Do you have any advice for all ladies, in which way to express elegance through fashion?
– I believe that elegance isn’t about being perfect or buying the most expensive clothes, it’s about being authentic. That’s why my first piece of advice would be to start with yourself: your personality, your tastes, your body type. Understanding who you are is the foundation of elegance, because when you wear something that feels true to you and something that fits you perfectly, it shows. Don’t be afraid to experiment in the beginning: finding your style is a journey. My second advice would be to keep it simple while adding your own touch. For me, simplicity is the essence of elegance. Timeless, well-tailored pieces like a blazer, a white shirt, or a little black dress always elevate your outfit. From there, add your personality: maybe by adding elegant shoes, structured bags, jewelry, pop of colors or interesting textures that feels like you. And finally, for me elegance it’s also about colors. I am a huge fan of monochrome outfits, because it’s easy to style, and always look polished. Neutral tones like black, white, beige, brown can always help you to look more elegant and chic. In the end, the key to elegance isn’t just in the clothes you wear, it’s also in how you show up. Confidence is your best accessory.
7. What do you first think of when you hear LA VIE EN ROSE?
– When I think about LA VIE EN ROSE, two things come to mind: a mindset and a way of living. As a mindset, “life in pink” (La Vie En Rose) it’s all about adding vibrant colors to a world that can sometimes feel grey. For me, it’s about finding joy in the little things and looking at life from a brighter perspective, no matter what challenges come your way.
As a way of living, it reminds me of the Parisian lifestyle: Parisians have taught me how to find elegance and joy in the way you experience life. For me, LA VIE EN ROSE is the art of turning ordinary moments into something extraordinary, and a reminder that you are the one who chooses the colors to paint your life with.
Sa samo 17 godina odlučila se za veliki korak koji je promenio njen život. Nije čekala da se stvari dese njoj, nego se ona desila stvarima. Upravo zbog toga, sada živi život koji je želela, u gradu o kojem je sanjala.
Budući da je pred nama Nedelja ženske i visoke mode u gradu svetlosti, u nastavku teksta vam donosimo inspirativan intervju sa Sofijom Viničuk (Sofia Vinnichuk), kreatorkom modnog sadržaja na društvenoj platformi Instagram, koja svojom ženstvenošću i elegancijom služi kao dobar primer damama modernog doba.
1. LA VIE EN ROSE: Odakle potiče vaša želja za živitom u Parizu?
– Preseljenje u Pariz je bilo poput koračanja u snu koji nisam ni slutila da imam. Gledajući unazad, možda je ideja uvek bila prisutna, čekajući trenutak. Kao devojčica koja je odrasla u Ukrajini, imala sam sliku Ajfelove kule na svom ormaru, to je bio moj mali prozor u potpuno drugačiji svet. U to vreme, Pariz se činio daleko, gotovo nestvarno. Pohađala sam francusku školu pet godina, što je zasadilo seme moje veze sa Francuskom. Kada sam imala 17 godina, preselila sam se u Francusku zbog studija. Tokom te tri godine veza ka Parizu je postala jača. Nakon što sam diplomirala, primljena sam na Sorbonu na master, i odjednom, Pariz nije bio samo daleki san: postao je moja stvarnost. Preselila sam se ovde 2021. i tada je počelo najinspirativnije poglavlje mog života, razvijajući se na način na koji nikada nisam mogla ni da zamislim.
2. LA VIE EN ROSE: Kada ste ušli u svet mode?
– Moda je oduvek bila deo moje priče. Još kao dete, volela sam da gledam modnu televiziju i listam magazine, zamišljajući svet iza tih sjajnih stranica. Nisam uvek imala pristup modernoj garderobi, ali sam volela da posmatram stil ljudi, sanjajući o danu kada ću moći da otkrijem sopstveni. Želja da budem povezana sa svetom mode uvek je bila prisutna. Počela sam kao model u Ukrajini, što mi je dalo prvi pravi pregled o tome kako ova industrija funkcioniše. Kasnije sam postala fotograf, da bih istražila drugu stranu kreativnog procesa. Oba iskustva su me naučila o tome kako da sagledam modu iz različitih perspektiva. I konačno, postala sam influenser i kreator sadržaja na društvenim mrežama, gde sam spojila sve što sam naučila: fotografiju, poziranje, stil, svoju viziju i da podelim to kako bih inspirisala druge. Moje pravo putovanje u svet mode započeto je 2021. godine, kada sam počela da delim svoj stil oblaženja i inspiracije na Instagramu.
U početku je to bio samo način da dokumentujem svoju ljubav prema garderobi i da dokumentujem svoje putovanje. Ali malo po malo, shvatila sam koliko je to odjeknulo kod drugih. Videvši da moji postovi mogu inspirisati ljude, nateralo me je da shvatim ozbiljno i potpuno sam se posvetila ovome. Boravak u Parizu je samo pojačao tu strast. Grad mi je otvorio oči za potpuno novi svet elegancije i kreativnosti. Moda je postala više od odeće: postala je moj glas, način da ispričam svoju priču bez reči. Kao da sam naučila novi jezik, a sada ga govorim tečno svaki dan.

3. LA VIE EN ROSE: Koje iskustvo najviše pamtiš sa revija u Parizu?
– Trenutak koji će zauvek ostati u meni je gostovanje na prvoj reviji. Već sam iskusila modne revije iz drugih perspektiva: kao model na pisti i iza kulisa kao direktor produkcije, ali sedenje u prvom redu bilo je nešto sasvim drugačije. Osećala sam se posebno, kao da vidim srce mode iz potpuno novog ugla. Taj trenutak mi je dao dublju zahvalnost za trud, strast i snove iza svakog detalja modne revije i iza vizije koju dizajneri imaju. Bilo je zanimljivo potpuno uploviti u svet koji dizajneri stvaraju oko svojih ideja. Ovaj trenutak me je inspirisao da nastavim putovanje i podsetio zašto sam se uopšte i zaljubila u ovaj svet.
4. LA VIE EN ROSE: Koji je Vaš omiljeni brend i zbog čega?
– Imam nekoliko favorita, ali ako bih morao da izaberem jednog, to bi bio YSL. Za mene, YSL predstavlja savršen spoj ženstvenosti i snage. Njihovi dizajni čine da se osećate smelo i samopouzdano, a istovremeno ostajete elegantni i bezvremenski. Za svaki dan volim brendove poput Goelia ili Sandro. Oba brenda pružaju osećaj elegancije bez napora i dizajna sa kojima se povezujem na ličnom nivou. Kada nosim njihove komade, osećam se svojom: prefinjeno, ali udobno, klasično, ali nikad dosadno. Podsećaju me da stil nije u trendovima, već u izražavanju ko ste i da se osećate najbolje u onome što nosite.
5. LA VIE EN ROSE: Šta mislite o današnjoj modi i da li biste nešto promenili?
– Divim se tome kako je moda postala platforma za individualnost. Manje se poštuju stroga pravila, a više o izražavanju lične perspektive, što je neverovatno inspirativno. Svako ima priliku da definiše stil, a meni je to prelepo. Međutim, moramo više da pričamo o svesnoj modi/kupovini. Svaki komad koji kupimo ostavlja trag. Verujem u usporavanje, ulaganje u kvalitet umesto kvantitet i razmišljanje o uticaju koji ima naš izbor garderobe.
6. LA VIE EN ROSE: Imate li neki savet za sve dame, na koji način da izraze eleganciju kroz modu?
– Verujem da elegancija ne leži u tome da budete savršeni ili da kupujete najskuplju odeću, već da budete autentični. Zato bi moj prvi savet bio da počnete od sebe: svoje ličnosti, ukusa, vašeg tipa tela. Razumevanje ko ste je osnova elegancije, jer kada nosite nešto što vam savršeno pristaje, to se vidi. Ne plašite se eksperimentisanja na početku: pronalaženje svog stila je putovanje. Moj drugi savet bi bio da stilu jednostavno dodajete svoj pečat. Za mene je jednostavnost suština elegancije. Bezvremenski, dobro krojeni komadi poput blejzera, bele košulje ili male crne haljine uvek podignu vaš stil. Na to, istaknite i svoju ličnost: možda dodavanjem elegantnih cipela, strukturiranih torbi, nakita, šarenih boja ili zanimljivih tekstura koje vam priliče. I konačno, za mene je elegancija takođe i boja. Veliki sam obožavatelj monohromatskih odevnih predmeta, jer ih je lako stilizovati i uvek izgledaju uglađeno. Neutralni tonovi poput crne, bele, bež, braon uvek mogu da vam pomognu da izgledate elegantnije i šik. Na kraju, ključ elegancije nije samo u odeći koju nosite, već je i u tome kako se izražavate. Samopouzdanje je vaš najbolji dodatak.
7. Na šta prvo pomislite kada čujete LA VIE EN ROSE?
– Kada razmišljam o LA VIE EN ROSE, dve stvari mi padaju na pamet: način razmišljanja i način života. Kao način razmišljanja, “život u ružičastom“ (La Vie En Rose) predstavlja dodavanje živih boja svetu koji ponekad može da bude siv. Za mene, to predstavlja pronalaženje užitka u malim stvarima i gledanju na život iz svetlije perspektive, bez obzira na izazove koji se nalaze na putu.
Kao način života, podseća me na pariski lifestyle: Parižani su me naučili kako da pronađem eleganciju i radost u načinu na koji se doživljava život. Za mene, LA VIE EN ROSE je umetnost pretvaranja običnih trenutaka u nešto izuzetno, i podsećanje da ste vi taj koji bira boje kojima ćete oslikati svoj život.
Photo credits: @anna.paris.photo